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Running In Little Known Corners of My City

Running Exploring Little Known Corners of My City

For many years I've lived and worked near some of the most spectacular coastal trails in this southwestern corner of the country. I would occasionally plan a day to hike segments here and there, or would escort an out of town visitor to the see the views, but would still miss whole sections. Then I started running....


Initially, I ran to get in shape, and to participate in racing events with my friends. It was about staying fit and getting faster and being social. That is awesome on race days and on days when you have a running buddy, but in between, there is the challenge of finding ways to keep up your running motivation so that you don't end up back on the couch. My goal in the  last year has been to use running as a means of exploration. 

I picked out 50 trails that are no further than one hour driving time away from my house, and I've been slowly checking off the box next to each one. It has been truly inspiring to see all the beautiful pockets of nature around me.


One of the first new trails revealed a hidden pond with an amazing granite rock formation reflecting in the perfectly still waters. I would have never known this spot existed without running there, and now it is a favorite destination. Another took me out to a refreshing mountain stream surrounded by huge oak trees. What was even better though was the little cafe just beyond the trail head that serves up some of the best chili burgers in the county!

Running Exploring Little Known Corners of My City

An unexpected side effect of my exploring challenge is that I am more motivated to fit in mid-week runs after work just on the roads around my house because I want to make sure I keep up my base level of fitness that allows me to tackle some of the longer, very hilly trails on my weekend plans.   

I've run more miles this year than in any other year - and I've only participated in one race! The anticipation of seeing new sites has definitely helped to keep up my running motivation. The prospect of discovering fabulous new food as a reward at the end doesn't hurt either! 

To help you find your motivation again, create your own new route today here.

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I love to go running when traveling. It is a great way to see other places and explore a new area. You never know what cool stuff you might come across taking a turn in the opposite direction!


testing agian
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